Описание сервера
What is Hermit Veterans About? We are a public community-based PurPur survival server with a welcoming playerbase. You can decide to live alone, join a group or create one of your own. It's up to you how you play; you are sure to find your niche here. We have upgraded to 1.18, but we have not reset the map. Instead, builds have been retained and any unused chunks were reset, bringing new generation to 80% of the world. Caves below y=0 can also be found anywhere throughout the world, in new and old chunks. What Plugins do we use? Here's a brief overview of some of the main ones: -Grief Prevention: To keep your builds safe! -Population Density: To provide the world with "regions" for players to own, as well as a means of teleportation. -SignShops: A simple way of selling goods via signs without you being there to make the trade. -ViaVersion and ViaBackwards: These plugins allow players to join while running Minecraft versions 1.12+. What are "regions" and "region poles"? Regions, as stated above, are a part of the population density plugin and are 400x400 block areas that players can own! Region poles are situated in the center of the region. They allow you to travel quickly across the map to visit other regions. Region poles consist of a stone brick platform with a glowstone pole at the center. Region poles give you the opportunity to explore the builds made by others with ease. We have a website at: HermitVeterans.com as well as a Discord server at: HermitVeterans.com/discord where you can chat with players both off and on the server and familiarize yourself with the playerbase and the server. Please note that you will need to join the Minecraft server first before you are able to verify your account on the website or on the discord server.
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Теги сервера еще не добавлены администратором