Описание сервера

In a distant past, Earth faced its demise due to an intense war between Aliens and Humans, leaving the planet uninhabitable. With only a few dozen survivors known as the Galatians, they displayed extraordinary technological prowess, developing powerful vehicles capable of traversing galaxies. After years of searching, they discovered a new home named "Wanderlust" - a place of endless exploration. Through time, the Galatians harnessed the planet's mystical powers, unveiling abilities beyond their imagination. They crafted enchanted weapons with lightning-casting and teleportation capabilities, safeguarding themselves against potential threats like the Aliens. However, greed began to consume some Galatians, leading to conflicts over land and resources. Amid their internal strife, the Aliens from Earth heard about the new colony and embarked on a quest to find the Galatians. Instead of annihilation, the Aliens cursed the remaining Galatians, transforming them into monsters. A fierce battle ensued, lasting for days until another advanced human civilization from a distant universe detected the commotion on their satellites and set course for Wanderlust. These newcomers, technologically superior, rapidly claimed the resource-rich planet from the Aliens and the Galatians. Unaware of the Galatians' human origins, they saw them as adversaries. The Galatians fiercely defended their outposts against the Humans, and in turn, the Humans safeguarded their new territory from the Aliens. As more humans arrived on Wanderlust, history repeated itself, and conflicts for land resurfaced. Today, the struggle continues between Humans, Galatians, and Aliens, creating a saga of epic proportions on the enigmatic planet Wanderlust. JOIN THE FIGHT FOR HUMANITY TODAY, ONLY ON OUTERWORLDS!! Discord - https://discord.outerworlds.us Forums - https://forums.outerworlds.us Store - https://store.outerworlds.us



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Теги сервера еще не добавлены администратором