Minecraft servers 1.5.2 with private and with mini game bedwars

Listing of servers supporting Minecraft version 1.5.2. Fixed a bug that caused capes to sometimes render incorrectly. Fixed a bug that caused game crashes when using redstone. Improved game performance during world generation and mechanism operation.

In BedWars, teams start on separate islands with a bed. The bed allows players to respawn, making it a crucial element to protect. Players must gather resources, fortify their bed, and build bridges to other islands to attack opponents. The game ends when all opposing teams' beds are destroyed, and their players are eliminated. Strategy, teamwork, and resource management are key to winning BedWars.

Minecraft servers with land protection (private) provide players with the ability to protect their builds and territories from other players. The main idea is to create zones where access is controlled by the owner. Claims or protections prevent griefing and theft, ensuring a safe and enjoyable building environment.

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CubedCraft [1.8 -> 1.21] » Let the explosive games begin «

CubedCraft [1.8 -> 1.21]                             » Let the explosive games begin «




Minehut.com The Server Hosting Network 2036 servers running.

Minehut.com The Server Hosting Network 
                 2036 servers running.


