Minecraft servers 1.7.10 with private and with mini games spleef, buildbattle, among us, pixelmon, and skyblock
Servers available for Minecraft 1.7.10. Developers Improved mod mechanics and compatibility fixes in this version. Also optimized world performance with many modifications.
In Spleef, players compete in an arena with the goal of breaking blocks beneath their opponents to make them fall. This game tests players' speed, strategy, and reflexes. The last player standing wins the round. Spleef can be played in various themed arenas with different block types and additional challenges such as power-ups or hazards.
BuildBattle is a competitive creative mode where players are given a theme and a limited amount of time to construct a build related to that theme. After the building phase, players vote on each other's creations, and the build with the highest score wins. BuildBattle encourages creativity, quick thinking, and design skills, often featuring multiple rounds and different building themes.
The Among Us mini-game on Minecraft servers adapts the popular game, creating a similar experience within the world of Minecraft. Players are divided into crewmates and impostors, completing tasks or sabotaging efforts to win.
Pixelmon is a mod for Minecraft servers that introduces Pokémon into the game. Players can catch, train, and battle Pokémon, explore biomes, search for rare creatures, and participate in PvP battles. The mod also adds new structures, items, quests, and many features typical of the Pokémon universe.
SkyBlock is a popular survival game mode where players start on a small floating island with minimal resources. Players must use these limited resources wisely to expand their island, build structures, and complete various challenges. The objective is to survive and thrive in the sky, creating renewable resource systems and exploring additional islands that can provide unique items and opportunities.
Minecraft servers with land protection (private) provide players with the ability to protect their builds and territories from other players. The main idea is to create zones where access is controlled by the owner. Claims or protections prevent griefing and theft, ensuring a safe and enjoyable building environment.
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